"It is impossible to read this book and not be gripped
by the story and impacted by its message."
“This story needs to be told. As much as I have ever recommended
any book, I strongly recommend that you read Murder in the Church.”
- Bob Price -
Host, Family Life Network
12 Lessons learned from this tragedy
Small Group Discussion Questions
Chris Schimel
At a certain point in this story you may have entertained the thought…"I’m not sure I have the courage to continue...."
"Riveting, nail bitter, captivating, best book ever, emotionally stirring, powerful, must read, amazing story, page turner, hard to put down"
5 Star Reviews
on Amazon
“I Do, Do You?”
. . .is a companion to Chris Schimel’s book Murder in the Church, where marital coldness was the primary culprit for the tragedy in the true story.
Need proven answers for a healthy relationship?
Help is on the way!
This book presents sound scriptural concepts that contain golden nuggets of truth that if followed will save, strengthen and lay a foundation for healthy marriages.
It contains fourteen spousal-behaviors, four for women, five for men and five for both, that will fan the early flames of love, rekindle otherwise cooling marriages, as well as rescue frigid unions from being frozen forever.
This is a MARRIAGE-SAVER book!
Once Broken is a book that spells out the author’s own personal journey to obtain emotional healing. But it is described in a way that readers can use to acquire their own healing. It can be used in a self-counseling format, or by counselors or pastors who want to help people they lead.
Once Broken changed the author’s life before it was ever a book. One day, after he had already become a Christian, had gone to Bible College and seminary, and had pastored churches for more than fifteen years, he woke up and realized: he was broken…and needed healing.
A Study Guide and Journal are also available with this book to enhance your healing journey.