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Are you a candidate for Emotional Healing
(in either your personal life, your marriage or your parenting)?
How much do you blame others?
1 - I constantly blame others for their mistakes as well as mine.
2 - I constantly blame other people.
3 - I blame others when I get frustrated.
4 - I blame others now and then.
5 - Blame seldom comes to my mind, instead I look for the best in people.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being high, how would you rate your self-esteem?
How would you rate your level of dysfunction growing up?
1 - Extremely dysfunctional (both parents).
2 - Dysfunctional with one parent.
3 - Dysfunctional somewhat with both parents.
4 - Fairly functional (no one's perfect!)
5 - Extremely functional home.
How critical are you of others in your life?
1 - Very Critical
2 - Critical inwardly but not outwardly.
3 - Critical of my job and church but not people.
4 - Not that critical.
5 - I seldom have a critical thought.
Did you experience physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse as a child or as a young adult?
1 - Constantly.
2 - Fairly often.
3 - Not very often.
4 - Hardly ever.
5 - Never.
How easy is it for you to forgive people?
1 - I forgive no one when they have done me wrong.
2 - I forgive very few people who have wronged me.
3- I forgive people if they own their mistakes.
4 - I find it fairly easy to forgive people.
5 - I forgive people when no one else will.
How would you rate your level of anger?
1- I lose my temper regularly.
2 - I constantly find myself angry and losing my temper with people.
3 - I feel anger over a lot of things and have outbursts now and then.
4 - I feel anger sometimes but can control it most of the time.
5 - I seldom feel anger.
How receptive are you to other people’s suggestions?
1 - I am non-receptive most of the time.
2 - I am non-receptive to certain things.
3 - I am threatened when people make suggestions to me.
4 - I am somewhat open to people’s suggestions.
5 - I value input from others for my life.
Do you feel depressed?
1 - Most of the time.
2 - Quite often.
3 - When stressful.
4 - Not very often.
5 - Never.
Do you feel you have control issues?
1 - Yes, I try to control every situation in my life.
2 - I find I do not like it when others tell me what to do.
3 - I become angry when people try to control me.
4 - I am non-compliant inwardly, but not outwardly.
5 - I am a compliant person.
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